Liveworx | Get to Know Episode One Featured Guest Tim "Mr. Future of…

The premier episode of LiveWorx 2021 is shaping up to be something like you have never seen before!

We are thrilled to have incredible thought leaders like Tim “Mr. Future of Work” Salau join us live to discuss the work methods that are changing the workplace which is a topic that is more relevant than ever with millions of people still working from home. Tim will touch on how in a dynamic future, we must focus on what we can control as leaders and adapt to the constant state of change that will occur in society and the workplace.

We sat down with Tim virtually to get to know him a bit more on a personal level. Check out the recording or read the transcript below!

1. Who is your mentor/hero?

Definitely my parents. I love them to death. I've learned a lot growing up from them and they continue to inspire me in all of the work that I do.

2. What was the last Google rabbit hole you went down?

Right now, non-fungible tokens are really popular, so I went down a Google and a Twitter rabbit hole just learning and talking to experts. I even went down a Spotify rabbit hole looking for podcasts around non-fungible tokens.

3. What is the best book you’ve read this year?

The best book I've read in the past year has to be The Infinite Game by Simon Sinek. He's just a great writer. A great author. He simplifies everything and really loves going into traditional books and rethinking or recreating what they mean in present times and in the future. It was really good so check it out!

4. If you were not in your current role what would you be doing instead?

I would be the creative director at a fashion brand. Instead of being a creative director at a fashion brand, I'm going to bring a lot of that energy to my own company! I lead our creative direction at Guide and lead a lot of our creativity, our vision and our road mapping.

5. What do you think we will be talking about in the world of advancements in the workplace in five years?

One of the things that has been really interesting to me that I'm incredibly fascinated that we're not talking enough about is the mix of robotics and machine intelligence, edge computing and artificial intelligence on devices that we use -- our iPhones and our washing machines, in our desktops and audio recorders. It will be interesting to see how that's going to make our lives so much better and how it's going to impact how we interact with machines in the next few years. I'm really fascinated by human machine intelligence and this hybrid fusion of how we're going to engage with robots, living machines that sense and have reasoning on how the world works in the next 3-5 years. We need to be talking more about it!

Be sure to tune in for Tim’s segment on episode one of LiveWorx: 2021, Work Methods Changing the Workforce, on March 25th! Tim will be discussing trends he is seeing in the future of work as well as:

  • The essential skills needed to thrive in a dynamic future as a remote worker
  • How technology trends are redefining the relationship between the employee and their organization
  • How employees and organizations can remain adaptive in a dynamic future

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