Jordan Coffman

IoT Director of Strategic Initiatives , PTC


Session Track: Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT)

Monday, May 15 3:10 PM - 3:40 PM 204

II1514P - Unleashing the Hidden Factory through Digital Performance Management

Today’s economic pressures are leading many manufacturers to look to their factories for improvements in top and bottom-line enterprise performance. And inside the four walls of the factory, the efficient use of production capacity is often the single largest contributor toward the attainment of financial goals. So, how best to achieve meaningful, sustainable performance improvements? For many, the answer is in a new use of factory data from automation, extending beyond the typical Manufacturing Execution System. Hear experiences and results from leading manufacturers who have implemented a new operating system for closed-loop, continuous improvement in manufacturing. Hear how Digital Performance Management (DPM) has unleashed their hidden factories.

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